The Faith That Never Wavers
In these uncertain times, we all need something solid to stand on. I want to remind you of one unchanging truth: the God kind of faith never wavers.
What is the God Kind of Faith? I’m glad you asked…
There are different kinds of faith in our world today. Some people have no faith at all. Others have the “world kind of faith” – the kind of faith that believes it only when they see it. But as Christians, we’re called to a different standard – the God kind of faith. It is unique. It doesn’t waver, hesitate, or doubt. It’s unwavering regardless of what’s happening around us or what circumstances we face. This is the faith we’re called to live by, and it’s the only kind of faith that pleases God.
The God kind of faith always produces victory. Not sometimes, not most of the time, but ALL the time. It might not look like victory immediately, it might not feel like victory in the moment, but the God kind of faith always leads to victory.
Think about some of the heroes of faith from Hebrews 11:
– Noah built an ark when he’d never even seen rain
– Abraham left his home not knowing where he was going
– Sarah received strength to conceive a child well past her childbearing years
None of these people fully understood what God was doing, but they trusted Him anyway. They took God at His word, not because they could see the outcome but because they believed in the One who made the promise.
We’re not called to understand everything God does or asks us to do – we’re called to trust Him. The Bible tells us that God’s ways are higher than our ways, and His thoughts higher than our thoughts (Isaiah 55:8-9). God didn’t tell us to understand Him – He told us to trust Him. Our job isn’t to figure everything out; our job is to be obedient even when we don’t understand – that’s operating in the God kind of faith.
I want to challenge us today to be more like King David and praise God regardless of our situation – whether we’re entering a storm, in the middle of a storm, or coming out of a storm. Even during his challenges, King David knew where to put his trust. When we spend time in God’s presence – praising Him, worshiping Him, communicating with Him – it takes our minds off the storms around us. Before we know it, the storm has passed, and we’ve made it through by the power of faith.